What Are Chakras, and How Can You Unblock Them?

If you’ve taken an exercise class or yoga or had an energy healing session , such as Reiki, or even watched videos on the internet about these areas, you’ve likely known about chakras and the roles they are in the energy flow within your body.

What Are Chakras?

It’s possible that you’ve also realized that it’s crucial that your chakras remain clear or free of blockages.

What is the purpose of chakras? And how can they impact your physical and mental health?

We’ll look at this in-depth article to take you on a close look at your major chakras.

We’ll also explain the effects these energy centers could impact your body and mind, and ways to ensure they remain “open” in order to improve your physical, mental and emotional health.

What are the different types of chakras?

In Sanskrit”chakra, “chakra” means “disk” or “wheel” and refers to the energy centers of your body.

These discs or wheels of spinning energy are connected to particular organs and nerve bundles.

In order to function at their highest, Your chakras must remain open or balanced. If they are blocked, you could suffer from emotional or physical symptoms connected to a specific chakra.

There are seven major chakras that are located along your spine.

They begin at the base or base of your spine and continue up to the top of your head.

However, there are some who think that you’ve got at least more than 114 chakras within your body.

The chakras that are most frequently referred to include the 7 primary ones, which we’ll discuss in greater detail later on.

What Are Chakras? The 7 Chakras explained

1. The Root Chakra


The location is the vertebral base at the base, the pelvic floor, and the three first vertebrae

What is it: Think about your root chakra ( Muladhara in Sanskrit) as the house’s foundation however for your body- when it’s balanced it’s strong, stable and sustaining.

This is why it’s the one responsible for your feeling of safety and security according to Olivia. It’s also linked to the things you utilize to keep you grounded,

which includes the basic necessities, like food and water, shelter and safety, as in your emotional needs, including the release of fear and feeling secure. As you’ve probably guessed, once these requirements are satisfied you are likely to have less anxiety.

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