8 Ways to Use Healing Crystals: For Your Good Health

The days when crystals were a luxury item to yogis, and spiritual gurus. Today, celebrities like Bella Hadid and Miranda Kerr are taking advantage of sparkling crystals.

Ways to Use Healing Crystals?

It’s easy to understand why people are in a rush to crystals. Apart from being beautiful to see, they’re believed to aid in improved sleeping, channeling chill positive vibes and attuning abundance in addition to a handful of beneficial properties (despite their effectiveness not being a matter of the ring).

What, how exactly do the sacred stones help us? “To heal is to feel,” says Energy Muse co-founder and Crystal Muse author, Heather Askinosie. “Crystals are not magic stones that can be used to transform your life.

They are tools that can assist you in reaching those deepest levels within you However, you have to work at it.”

“Crystals are not these magical stones that are going to change your life. Crystals are tools to help you go to those deeper layers within yourself, but you still have to do the work.” –Heather Askinosie, Energy Muse co-founder

8 Ways to Use Healing Crystals

“There is no right or wrong way [to use crystals],” Askinosie states. It’s still essential to incorporate crystals as a part of your routine in order to reap all of the advantages.

1. Programm your crystal with a purpose

One of the first steps to take when working with crystals is to set it up with a goal.

“The crystal wants to work for you, but you have to tell it what to do,” Askinosie suggests.

The crystal will then act as a constant reminder of your purpose.

For programming, “hold the crystal in your hands, close your eyes, and take three deep breaths,” she states. I

n your head, you say “I want to have the purest vibration of light and love connect with me, my true self, to eliminate all negative energy and prior programming.

I request this crystal to embody the desire of [insert the intention here intention you wish to manifest here.”

Finish by saying”thanks” 3 times, to “emphasize that what you’re asking for already exists in the universe,” she adds.

2. Wear your crystals

The more you interact with your precious stones the more you are able to absorb their power, which is why wearing them is an effective fashion statement.

These days crystals can be found in every aspect: jewelry, beauty products, clothing–you name it.

If nothing else works to get one, tucking it into your bra is always the trick.

You may want to know about Meditation using Crystal Pyramid

3. Put them in your pocket or purse

If you’re not a crystal preference, or perhaps you’re just looking, to begin with, for a small step on your journey to gemstones places one in your bag or pocket.

Make use of it as a touchstone all day long to ground you.

4. Do some meditation with them

To boost your spiritual energy, try meditation while you hold your crystals in order to tap into their metaphysical power.

“You are not praying to the crystals,” Askinosie declares. “You’re holding them as a source for you to get connected within yourself.”

How To Meditate With Crystals: Starting Methods, Types

5. Create a crystal layout

To get your mind and body ready to kick off your day in the right way, Askinosie recommends creating a plan in crystals in the morning before getting up from bed.

Lay down on the floor and put a few crystals in the body (i.e. for example, a small piece of rose quartz placed on the heart chakra or amethyst on the third eye yours) then breathe deeply and soak in the powerful vibrations of the crystals.

“After even just five minutes of laying there, you will feel a shift,” Askinosie states.

6. In your bath, put them in

Let your bathing experience feel extravagant by throwing some gemstones in the water.

(Not every crystal is designed to be placed in water however it is important to confirm prior to doing so).

Askinosie suggests shungite detoxification and rose quartz for loving self-love.

7. Sprinkle them around your home

The process of cleaning the energy in homes is as simple as scattering a few stones across your room.

Not only do they enhance the atmosphere, however, they also make gorgeous décor throughout your home as well.

Set a crystal at your desk to provide positive vibes when you work.

Consider a huge geode as the centerpiece for the coffee table. You can also go all out and build an altar using all of your crystals, tarot cards, and palo santo.

8. Make a ritual out of them

To experience some profound healing the crystal ceremony could be appropriate.

Askinosie claims that malachite is an effective stone to transform.

So if you’re eager to heal your emotional wounds, let go of yourself or someone else as well as let go of old beliefs which no longer serve you, get yourself the beautiful green gem, and then place it in your heart for about 11 minutes to let it feel.

What are the benefits of using healing crystals?

What are the benefits of using healing crystals?

There are many various kinds of crystals there. Many believe that they possess powers of healing for the body, mind, and soul.

In reality, many ancient cultures, including Egypt, Greece, and China believed that crystals could have healing properties.

Certain people believe that crystals increase the flow of positive energy and can help cleanse your mind and body of negative energy, bringing both emotional and physical benefits.

It’s crucial to understand that there’s nearly no evidence from science to justify the use of crystals.

The science behind the crystals

Crystals are generally dismissed as pseudoscience, though some studies suggest that they might provide a placebo effect.

A previous study that was presented to meetings in 2001 and 1999 however, it was not published in an academic journal indicated that any benefits to healing associated crystals could be the result of their ability to influence.

For example, research from 2005 Trusted Source from the University of Waterloo in Canada found that a person’s brain might have more healing powers than what it’s acknowledged to have.

Some people still think it’s more that.

“Crystals are made up of different elements or compounds, which our bodies react to in different ways,” says Sonali Saujani an expert crystal healer.

“Crystals are minerals that hold energy, and as we as humans are made up of energy, we can exchange energy with the crystal when we work with it.”

Saujani explains that crystals can enhance the performance of many everyday objects such as watches, plugs as well as hospital equipment, and lasers.

She refers to the findings of a study from 2008 in which it was found the fact that “quartz can act as a flint to start a fire or generate electricity.”

“If the crystal is piezoelectric, which is a way to contain electric charge I’m sure it will do much more.

They help balance electrical currents and prevent the equipment from going out of control,” says Sanjana.

“In the same way, when it comes to crystals and our body, all they’re doing is balancing out the frequency of the electromagnetic currents in our body.

Although research doesn’t prove that crystals are effective as a treatment option but there’s nothing wrong with having a go with realistic expectations of their capabilities and what they cannot accomplish. Crystals shouldn’t be used to substitute for medical care by a licensed expert.

What can healing crystals do for you?

To assist you in getting started, we’ve compiled an extensive list of the most sought-after crystals.

Healing crystals to improve health

  • Clear quartz Clear crystal is believed to be a master healer and believed to aid the whole system of energy
  • Jasper is A stone of nurturing that is believed to help in times of stress
  • Obsidian: believed to aid in processing emotions and experiences, and assist in letting go
  • Amethyst: used to heal, purify and increase willpower
  • Bloodstone is believed to boost circulation and aid in issues related to blood.

Crystals to help heal prosperity

  • The Tiger’s Eye: said to provide motivation and reduce fear
  • Citrine thought to inspire energy as well as creativity and concentration
  • Turquoise believed to calm emotions and bring luck
  • Sapphire is often referred to as the stone that brings a wealth
  • Jade A different stone that is well known for luck and prosperity.

Crystals to heal love

  • The rose quartz is often referred to as the love stone and is believed to promote the love of one another and to inspire trust
  • Moonstone is believed to bring feelings of inner power and growth
  • Ruby is believed to promote sexuality as well as sexuality

Healing crystals of various types and their significance

Want to dive into crystal lore? Find out more information below.

Clear Quartz

The white crystal is believed by many to be the ultimate healer.

It’s believed to be:

  • Enhance energy
  • help improve memory and concentration
  • aid in balancing your energy system.

This stone is often used with other stones such as pink quartz to help improve their abilities.



Obsidian is considered to be a powerfully protecting stone.

It’s believed to be:

  • protect yourself from emotional and physical negative energy
  • Eliminate emotional blockages
  • Promote the characteristics of clarity, strength and empathy
  • Help you discover your authentic self-awareness

The stone could also aid you to process your emotions, experiences, and baggage, freeing you of any negative blocks.

Rose quartz

As the color might suggest, this stone is all about love.

It’s believed to be:

  • Help restore the trust and harmony of relationships
  • Enhance connections
  • Provide comfort and calm in moments of sorrow
  • Inspire love respect, trust, and self-worth

Who wouldn’t benefit from any of it?


This smooth crystal is regarded as the ultimate cultivator.

It’s been said that:

  • Invigorate the spirit
  • assist you during stressful times by helping you prepare to fully be yourself
  • shield you from negative thoughts
  • Encourage quick thinking, courage and confidence

These characteristics help when dealing with crucial issues, and that’s precisely what this stone could be useful for.


Bring happiness, wonder, and joy to all aspects of your day with citrine.

It’s been said that:

  • assist you in releasing negative emotions like fear and doubt.
  • Encourage optimism, warmth, motivation, and clear thinking.
  • enhance mindfulness qualities
  • Inspire creativity
  • Support concentration


The blue crystal is believed to aid in healing the body, mind, and soul.

It’s also said:

  • can be a lucky charm
  • aid in balancing emotions
  • help to strengthen the spiritual grounding

In relation to the human body, it’s believed that it represents the respiratory, skeletal and immune systems.


It is a violet stone that is believed to be extremely protective, healing, and cleansing.

It’s also believed to be:

  • Help rid your mind of negative thoughts
  • Inspire humility to bring forth sincerity, humility, and spiritual wisdom
  • Encourage healthy and willpower-based choices and encourage positive behavior
  • help you sleep and decode dreams

Tiger’s eye

If you’re looking for an energy boost or motivation the golden stone might be the perfect solution for you.

It’s believed to be:

  • aid in ridding your body and mind of anxiety, fear, and self-doubt.
  • help you find harmony and find balance
  • help you make clear, conscious decisions

This could be helpful in career goals or issues of the heart.


Moonstone is a stone that symbolizes new beginnings.

It’s believed to be:

  • stimulate inner growth and build strength
  • ease anxiety and fear before embarking on new ventures
  • assist you in moving forward successfully
  • encourage positive thinking, intuition and inspiration
  • Encourage success and luck


This potent healing stone is true to its name.

Bloodstone is believed:

  • Draw negative energy from the environment
  • promote the exchange of ideas and energies
  • encourage selflessness, creativity, and a sense of optimism
  • lessen aggression, irritability, and frustration

Symbolically speaking, a bloodstone is connected with blood and blood-related bodily functions including menstrual cycle.


The blue stone is a symbol of wisdom and the majesty of royalty.

It’s believed to be:

  • bring prosperity, happiness, and peace
  • opening your mind up to the beauty and intuition
  • Help with clear sight
  • help to maintain a positive outlook


This stunning red stone is a true highlight.

It’s been said that:

  • Restore vitality and energy levels
  • Promote sexuality and sexual sensuality
  • support intellectual pursuits
  • Bring awareness to self and recognize the truth

How to choose the right crystal


picture resource https://azuro-republic.com/

The first step is to determine the areas you’re lacking before examining what stones can do for you. This will allow you to discover what’s going on inside you before relying on external sources.

From there, let your gut feelings decide the most suitable option for you.

If a crystal is a draw for you or you sense a physical pull towards one, your subconscious will determine the right one that is right for you.

After you’ve picked it out then you’re able to create the connection you require.

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