Malachite Spiritual Healing Guide | Meaning & Properties

What’s Malachite?

Malachite Is a green copper carbonate mineral. It has a silky shine. Malachite is used often as an ore for copper.

It is opaque and transparent and can sometimes have a patterned surface. Malachite, a rich green shade is the symbol of transformation and positive change.

Have a look at our essential guide to healing stones and find the crystal that is right for you.

Historical Uses of Malachite

  • The Greeks and Egyptians loved them
  • Protective gem
  • Mining in Australia, Australia, The Congo, and Australia

Malachite is a healing gemstone that combines hypnotic green swirls with a rich azurite combination.

This stunning dark emerald can take your imagination to lush forests of velvet green, soft spring days and lush mountains.

The Greek word malakos, which means soft, gave it its name.

It is strong but Malachite can be a heart opener.

This may be because of how the Greeks gifted this stone with its gentle title.

The green swirled stone was not only loved by the Greeks.

It was also a favorite of the Egyptians who would mine it from the Suez mines as far back as 4000 BC.


The Egyptians, who are always a fan of Malachite’s eye-catching beauty and ornate appearance, found many uses for the stone.

They used it to make eyeshadow for Cleopatra and ground it down to create pigment.

Malachite didn’t lose its magic as the world moved into the middle ages.

It was used by healers to treat stomach problems and protect against negative energies and curses.

This protective method of using Malachite continues to be used today.

Malachite was discovered in Egyptian mines.

However, travelers can still be found all over the world.

Malachite can be found in all corners of the globe, from the snows of Russia to Australia’s sun-scorched soil.

It is found in some of nature’s most beautiful, spiritual, and earthy places, such as the Amazon Jungle or the Congolese slopes.

Malachite has gathered all wisdom from the ages as well as the energy of the earth to aid us in times when we need it.

Malachite gives you the power to take new steps or hold on to something.

Let’s dive deeper to discover the healing meaning of Malachite.

If Malachite isn’t striking a chord with you, take a look here essential gemstone guide to finding a stone that gives you joy.

Malachite Healing Properties

A guardian of your heart, a healer for broken bones and blood pressure, and a protector against the toxic flow of negative energy, Malachite can be described as a busy stone.

The green color gemstones are known for their love connection to the heart chakra and super strength.

Malachite is no exception. Its energetic properties make it a great choice for encouraging you to let go old traumas and patterns, as well as to move beyond your comfort zone.

Let’s look at how Malachite can help you balance your mind, body, and soul.

Physical Healing Properties

  • Encourages quick healing
  • Menstrual cramps relief

Malachite was a favorite tool for alchemists back in the day. It has been used over the centuries to give wisdom to the body.

This stone is known for keeping blood pressure low, and its calm nature helps with this.

Malachite works in harmony with the bones and encourages quick healing of broken bones, torn muscle, and other problems with the joints.

Malachite’s strong feminine energy makes it a stone that can help with period problems such as menstrual cramps or allow the body to flow more smoothly during labor pains.

It is also known as the Midwife Stone.

Malachite is an incredible stone that helps to diminish fears.

This is not only in an emotional way but also in helping the body deal with the pounding heart and sweats associated with resistance to change or phobias.

Malachite is known for being a talisman that helps travelers, especially those who are afraid to travel or have symptoms such as travel sickness.

Emotional & Mental Healing Properties

  • Eliminates toxic emotions and unneeded energy
  • Gifts of inner strength and confidence
  • Helps you embrace change

Malachite is a master at emotional healing. Malachite’s powerful protection is one of its strongest attributes.

Malachite helps to flush out negative emotions and clear away undesirable energies.

It will give you wisdom, courage, and the ability not to be intimidated by any kind of emotional blackmail.

It is a stone that warns you when something isn’t right. This gives you the inner strength to face any situation head-on.

Malachite’s main purpose is to enable you to embrace change.

It is also known as The Stone of Transformation.

Malachite provides courage and encourages you to get out of your comfort zone.

It also serves as a wise reminder that in order to make progress in life, you might need to let go of some things.

This is done without losing empathy or balance.

However, it keeps you calm and focused, allowing you to make emotional decisions with ease.

Metaphysical Properties

  • The heart chakra is opened
  • Uses the third eye chakra and the solar plexus chakra

Malachite, like many other light and dark green stones, is a predominant heart chakra stone.

Blockages in the heart chakra can make it difficult to love fully and allow others to see the beautiful nature of our souls.

Malachite immediately gets to work on the heart chakra and removes the blocks that prevent beauty from flowing.

Malachite doesn’t stop there. It works across all chakras to strengthen your Solar Plexus Chakra, so that you feel grounded and full of vitality.

This stone is a true chi-stirrer. It taps into your Third Eye Chakra which is where infinite wisdom and deepest intuition reside.

Clearing our Third Eye means we are spiritually leaping higher. That’s when magic and psychic visions can even happen.

you may want to know: 8 Ways to Use Healing Crystals

Zodiac Birthstone

  • Scorpio and Capricorn birthstone

Malachite, a birthstone that connects to the cosmos and Zodiac signs is a great choice for Scorpios and Capricorns.

Scorpios are prone to an unpredictable flow of energy, which is part of their water sign.

Malachite will keep you safe as you travel down these rivers. Scorpios are a journey stone.

They seem to always be on the move, whether they’re physically out into the world or spiritually.

Scorpio, which is the sign of passion, is associated with the image of the Phoenix being born from the ashes once again.

We don’t know of any stone better to symbolize that. It taps into the Solar Plexus, where the fiery energy for sexual liberation is found.

It is a stone that encourages change and transformation, and rises, rising, and continues to rise, no matter what the tide.

Capricorns also love the shimmering green and black swirls of Malachite. Capricorns sometimes need to be controlled.

Malachite’s amazing energy encourages them to take risks and step out of their comfort zones to grow.

It counteracts depression by bringing out positive vibes and a sense of inner strength.


Take a look at our Malachite Bracelet for healing!

  • Wear it for protection and energy
  • To stop any negative energy from entering your home, place it in a safe area

Malachite adds a bright, vibrant color to any room or outfit. It is a wonderful stone for meditation and can be used as gemstone jewelry. Here are some ways you can harness the healing power Malachite into your life.

Home & Office

The glimmering green Malachite stone radiates energy and protection.

It’s a wonderful stone to place at your front door, or anywhere else you want to block bad vibes from entering your home.

Malachite can also be used to increase energy in areas that are stagnant.

Malachite can be placed near the bed to create a fresh wave of energy if you are struggling to get your sleep.

Malachite’s radiant vibrations can be a great way to help you get more creative at work.


The stunning color of Malachite was loved by ancient Greeks and Egyptians when it was used in jewelry.

It is regal and beautiful and can be paired with any skin tone or hair color.

The most flattering shade of green is undoubtedly green, especially when it’s paired with copper carbonate.

Malachite is a beautiful jewelry option, not only for its beauty but also because it transmits all the amazing vibrations directly to the skin.

If you want to get the maximum benefit from your stone, it is essential that you have skin contact with healing stones.

A Malachite bracelet can be used to infuse healing energy, protection, and energy directly into your pulse.

This will send healing waves across the body.

Pair your Malachite with stones that compliment its natural energy to amp up its energy. Lapis Lazuli, Chrysocolla, and Chrysocolla both love Malachite.

These stones are as protective as an armor-like coat and are well-known in crystal healings.

Malachite can be hung out with Agate to create a powerful immune-system elixir.

How to Clean Your Malachite Stone

  • Use water to clean your skin
  • Take charge of earth and plants

All healing stones need to be recharged every now and again, particularly Malachite.

It’s difficult to deal with all the negative vibes. It is easy to keep your Malachite clean and effective.

This will ensure that it remains at the top of its game.

It only requires warm soapy water, a soft cloth, and some gentle pressure to get rid of any traces.

If you feel the need, wash your Malachite once a week or every other day. It will help keep your stone happy and the vibrations high.

You can recharge your Malachite stones in several ways if you feel it needs a boost. Malachite is a lover of nature and craves the touch of earth.

You can place it in the garden or under a tree to allow it to absorb Mother Nature’s spirit.

You can place it in the garden, under a tree, or even on the earth to increase its energy.

Or you can leave it outside for a few hours.

It is important to not leave the Malachite stone in direct sunlight for too long.

This could cause its vibrant colors to fade. Salt can cause damage to the Malachite stone’s smooth texture so don’t use it.

Last Thoughts on Malachite

Malachite, a beautiful stone, is something that every person needs in their lives. It is beautiful, rich in history, and a great companion stone.

Malachite is a shield and sword for those who feel vulnerable and want to resist the flow of change.

Malachite is always there to help you, but it does so in such a loving way that you will feel good vibes all around.

It’s hard to imagine anyone not wanting more joy and more beauty, as well as the simple pleasure of being cared for.

Malachite, thank you for everything.

What do you think of the Malachite Stone‘s magic?

Is it appealing to you because of its beautiful green nature? Please share your thoughts with us in the comments.

FAQ on Malachite

What is Malachite?

Malachite, a protective stone helps to remove negative energies.

It’s also the stone of transformation, as it can give you courage and allow you to get out of your comfort zone.

It is a gem that strengthens your inner strength, opens your heart chakra, and helps you to align.

What are the benefits of Malachite?

Malachite is a stone that has been used to protect, strengthen and rebuild yourself after an illness.

It can remove negative energy and fears. It is strong in feminine energy and can help with period or hormonal problems. It can align the chakras, with a special focus on the heart chakra.

How do you clean Malachite?

A little soapy water and a clean cloth are the best way to clean Malachite.

Malachite, a soft stone with high copper content, can be cleaned using a little soapy water and a cloth. You can use sound baths or smudging to cleanse your Malachite.

Can Malachite get wet?

Malachite ranks between 3-4 on Mohs Hardness Scale.

This means that the gemstone can be easily dissolved in water.

Copper is also high in the gemstone, which can cause water to damage its surface and allow copper to seep into the water.

You should dry your Malachite thoroughly if it gets wet.

Where can you find Malachite?

Malachite is found all over the world but the Urals region in Russia has the largest deposits.

Malachite can be found in Gabon, Zambia, Namibia, Namibia, and Zambia, as well as in other African countries like the Congo, Malachite can also be found in Australia and Mexico, among other places.

How do you charge Malachite?

Malachite, a stone that has rich early vibes is a gem that connects with the spirit of nature.

You can give your Malachite a boost of energy by placing it under a tree or on the earth.

You can also cleanse your Malachite by letting it shine in the moonlight (which is good for connecting to its feminine energy) or by placing it in geode clusters.

What uses is Malachite?

Malachite is a stone that has spiritual, emotional, and physical powers.

It can help you regain your strength after an illness. It can also be used to balance your monthly cycles.

It can also be used to aid in labor.

Emotionally Malachite is a powerful tool that can help you face your fears and remove unwanted emotions.

It can open the heart chakra, encourage wisdom, and open the third eye.

How do you know if Malachite really is real?

You can tell if Malachite really is real by looking at the patterns in the gemstone.

There will not be a uniform pattern.

True Malachite can be found in a wide range of colors and swirls.

There will be thick and thin lines, speckles, and circles. It is also a gem that feels cool to the touch and solid in the hands.

How to use Malachite

Malachite is a great way to show off this beautiful color gemstone.

Malachite jewelry can help you stay connected and protected from the stone’s transformative powers.

The stones’ vibrations can be transmitted directly to the skin, which can help clear your chakras.

It also helps keep away negative energies.

You can welcome Malachite into your home to instill creativity or to create deeper connections with your loved ones.

What is the value of Malachite?

Malachite has been considered a rarer gem than other gemstones due to the depletion of many mines.

The price of Malachite depends on its size and quality.

You can expect to pay between $20 and $40 for a well-polished specimen that fits comfortably in your hand.

What does Malachite look and feel like?

Malachite, a beautiful green rock, is very popular.

The green hues of malachite can range from bright, vivid colors to more subtle shades.

You will see patterns and swirls of various black shades on its surface. Malachite has a shiny and silky luster.

How does Malachite form?

Malachite forms when copper deposits are oxidized. It is a secondary crystal that forms in the earth’s crust, deep underground spaces, or cracks, when carbonated waters interact with copper, interacts avec limestone.

Is Malachite expensive?

Malachite is not an expensive stone, despite becoming rare over time. You can still find Malachite in good condition, so it is not too expensive. A glossy tumbled piece will cost you between $20- $50, while a natural sliced specimen can cost up to $1000.

Is Malachite a gem?

Malachite, a mineral gemstone has a beautiful green and black marbling hue. It can also be very cool to the touch.

It is a monoclinic crystal and falls under the carbonated category.

What is the Malachite Chakra?

Malachite is a beautiful green gemstone that connects with the heart chakra.

When it is open, we can live richer lives filled with connection.

Malachite connects with the solar plexus and third eye chakras to provide grounding, wisdom, and a warrior spirit.

It is a wonderful balancing gemstone that can align all your chakras.

Is Malachite green a base dye?

Malachite is a basic dye. It can also be water-soluble and provides a vibrant shade of green for its coloring.

How can you clean Malachite?

You can physically clean Malachite by running it under cold water for a few seconds.

This will allow any buildup to drain. Make sure you dry the stone completely.

You can also use energy cleansing methods to cleanse Malachite, such as smudging, letting it rest in soil for a few minutes, or leaving it in the moonlight.

How to polish Malachite

Polished Malachite has an amazing glossy appearance and can lose its luster and gloss over time.

Malachite can be soft so you should be cautious when polishing it.

Overworking it could cause damage to the natural patterns. Fine diamond grit is the best way to polish Malachite.

You can tumble Malachite with Turquoise, Jade, or Jade. However, be sure to not add any hard gemstones.

Where can I buy Malachite?

Any reputable gemstone seller should be able to sell Malachite.

You should always ensure that you only work with a reputable retailer to make sure you get the best ethically sourced, well-cut gemstones.

What is Malachite’s rarity?

It’s possible for Malachite to be rare.

This is a double-sided story. Malachite is not rare, but it is true that the mineral resources for Malachite are being depleted.

There is currently a lot of Malachite in the world. However, single crystals or clusters are rare.

Is Malachite a protection stone?

Malachite has strong protective powers.

This gem helps to keep negative energy away, encourages detox, and helps you mentally face your fears.

This stone is often called the midwife stone because it assists people in dealing with the ebb, flow, and challenges of giving birth. Malachite is a favorite stone for healers and alchemists because it aids the body in healing.

Is Malachite’s green positive or negative?

Malachite has a positive staining type. This is because Malachite, an acidic dye is also a chromophore that interacts with cells to create a positive charge.

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