How To Cleanse Crystals In A Copper Pyramid

How to clean crystals using a Copper Pyramid Learn how Pyramid Power can be used to heal crystals and crystal grids.

How To Cleanse Crystals In A Copper Pyramid or charging?

Different Types Of Pyramids

These are three-dimensional pyramid frames made mostly of copper pipes or bars.

You can make them from other metals like Aluminium or Titanium, but they are usually mixed with Gold or coated with Gold.

Some Copper Pyramids can also be Gold Plated.

They are highly electrically conductors, which is why copper and gold are so popular.

You can choose to have them small or large enough for you to sit down and meditate.

These smaller sizes are used to store items like crystals.

These are most closely modeled after the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt.

You can also find pointed versions based on the Nubian Pyramids, which use more precise angles.

They are made by different makers.

Some have a cap (Capstone), while others have hooks to hang things.

Some may be adorned with crystals or other geometric shapes.

I’ve also seen some that have an additional platform at the top.

They come in kit form and must be assembled.

Small Copper Pyramid with Capstone and wooden base

What are they used for?

These devices can be used to boost the energy and potency of fruits, vegetables, and vitamins.

This is known as ‘pyramid charging’.

It is believed that it increases the power of items placed within them.

The energy balance and cleansing properties of pyramids can also be achieved by using them to cleanse my crystals.

This can also increase the effectiveness and energy of healing crystals, according to many people.

In my book Crystal Grids, Power I explain that a can be placed Copper Pyramid on top of a Crystal Grid.

It will not only keep the crystals clean and protected but it will also greatly amplify the effect of the Crystal Grid for healing and manifesting.

Another benefit to using a pyramid for cleansing purposes is its simplicity.

There is no need to make noise, light any incense or clear the area with any other methods.

You can clean things while you sleep by using the Pyramid.

How do They Work?

Despite all the research and testing that people conduct at home, Pyramid Power will not be accepted by mainstream science any time soon.

They are increasingly popular in the metaphysical community.

Pyramids are an important structure in Sacred Geometry.

They are made up of four triangles and a square base.

Conducting energy is the purpose of using metals such as Copper and Gold.

The Great Pyramid’s specific angles and proportions relate to the Planet, the Moon, and other natural cycles.

They harmonize with these cycles and are connected with the Earth’s energy centers, magnetic field, and Ley Lines.

All these environments are where minerals and crystals feel at ease.

Natural ionizers can also be found in pyramids.

A pyramid can amplify energies and transmute them when it is properly aligned to the Earth’s magnet field.

you may want to read: How To Use Crystal Pyramids: Ultimate Guide To Uses And Healing Benefits

Where to Get a Copper Pyramid?

These days, copper isn’t cheap (or Gold …)) and pyramids can be costly due to the amount of work required to make them.

You can make one yourself if you are skilled at welding, but it must be carefully measured and made. This is not an easy task.

You can save money by buying one from someone else, such as the ones on Amazon.

Make sure you check the proportions and keep in mind that copper pipes and bars will eventually turn brown if they aren’t coated with gold or gold-plated.

You have a few options in Amazon Shop section. You could also buy a Meru Pyramid online or from a retailer that sells them.

How to Activate and Align a Copper Pyramid.

Align a Copper Pyramid with a good compass

How To Cleanse Crystals In A Copper Pyramid

1. Align one side of your Pyramid with magnetic North using a compass (see the diagram above).

2 Place crystals in the middle of the pyramid, below the cap or point.

3 Keep them there at least for an hour or overnight to increase their energy.

If you’re using a Meru Pyramid with a mandala base, people who use this yantra recommend that you align the triangles so that they point towards the East to activate the mandala.

While the pyramid will still work as long it is North-aligned, this can give it extra energy.

Copper Pyramids: Have you ever used them before?

If so, I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.

P.S. Please share this article with anyone you think might be interested.

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