Feng Shui For Friendship: 11 Tips How To Attract New Friends

It is a blessing to have friends in your life, but many people struggle to do it. This feng shui guide will help you attract friends.

Feng Shui For Friendship:

Friends are the best thing in life. They bring joy and make your life complete. It is clear that friends are healing.

Being with friends is a great way to stay mentally healthy. It also helps you keep your body fit.

Friends are more than acquaintances, colleagues and neighbors. They can also be people we meet occasionally. Friends are people we can trust to share our lives good and bad moments.

It is important to have genuine, authentic friends in your life. But not everyone is able to make friends easily in their lives.

You may also struggle to find friends. Feng shui can help you make new friends and keep your friendships.

You are now able to see how it works. We’ll show you how it works!

Feng Shui and Friendships

Feng Shui refers to the ancient art of living. It is a philosophy about the environment and how it affects our lives.

You can have good luck by using feng shui. All you need to do is modify your environment and change objects.

Friendships are an important aspect of life. Many people struggle to find or keep good friends.

Feng shui can help them. If you believe in energy, you can use your surroundings to bring positive energy into your life.

This can help you achieve your goals, such as genuine friendships.

Feng Shui, a philosophy that holds all objects are made from energies, can be either positive or negative depending on how they are used.

To attract positive energy and make friends, you need to follow some feng-shui friendships rules.

Here are some feng-shui tips that will help you.

Feng Shui to Attract Friendships-Tips to Attract New Friends

1. Activate Your Personal Growth Direction: Using Kua Number

You must first be able to activate your personal growth path before you can expect people to attract you.

Your Kua number can help you determine your growth direction based on your gender and birthdate.

The Kua number is calculated based upon 8 mansions, where each segment represents a growth direction.

You can ask an expert for help if you are unsure how to calculate Kua.

You can use your Kua numbers to identify your growth direction since each Kua number corresponds with a growth direction.

This number can be helpful in many areas of your life such as your career and love life.

2. Get your house clutter-free

You must now know that clutter is your enemy – clutter blocks positive energy.

Clutter can make it difficult to have relationships, love, or friendships. Clearing clutter in your home can open up space for new items and opportunities.

You can build friendships by inviting friends to your home. Make sure to clear out all spaces where you would like to host your guests.

Make sure your front door and entry are spotless to ensure that people who enter your home feel positive and not overwhelmed by negativity.

3. Your South Corner will be a focal point of your house

Directions play a significant role in feng shui.

According to the Bagua energy map, which associates different corners and different energies, the south corner of your home is good luck for fame, success, and relationships.

This makes it a great place to make new friends. To promote friendships, activate the direction if you have the south section of your house.

Here are some ways to do it:

4. Photos of friends can be added

Hanging a photo of yourself with friends at social events is a great way to make new friends.

These images will help you to remind your brain that it is important to make new friends and build new relationships in your daily life.

Old photos are also a sign that you have happy memories. This means they will attract positive energy which will help expand your social circle.

5. Choose the right colors

The colors have a lot to do with feng shui. According to this ancient philosophy, specific colors can impact your life.

Furthermore, colors are used in Feng Shui to represent the five elements and their effect on a person’s life.

There are many colors you can choose to attract friends and activate your positive energy.

  • Red, which is the fire element, is one such color. In Feng Shui, red is the color of love. It helps to create bonds.
  • Another color that helps you keep strong friendships is yellow. Yellow is the earth element and is also known as the color that brings back memories and good experiences. This color is known to promote positive experiences with friends and strengthen your bonds.

6. Add birds

Great for friends! You can add pictures and small decorations of birds like the phoenix (as a replacement)

The phoenix symbol is used to acknowledge unique talents and abilities. This is a great way to attract new friends and to have them recognize you.

7. Brighten it up!

To increase yang energy, make sure the south corner of your home is well lit. Yang Energy can help a person attract and attend to new people, especially within a social circle.

You can do this by adding a lava lamp to your south corner or a sparkling light chandelier. Twinkle lights can also be a great way to build friendships and activate good luck.

8. Use the right crystals

Crystals have a lot to do with Feng Shui. Using the right crystals in your home can increase the energy flow.

Feng Shui states that every crystal has a specific property. Many crystals can be used to help build friendships.

These crystals are good to use:

* Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz, a pink crystal known for its ability to hold love and support relationships, is also known as Rose Quartz. Because of their healing properties, crystals have been called healing stones.

Rose quartz crystals are used to improve love relationships. However, it can also be used to attract and maintain friendships.

Rose quartz crystal can be kept. It helps to build compassion and understanding. This crystal is great for long-distance friendships.

* Amethyst

  • Amethyst, one of the most sought-after crystals, is a beautiful purple stone that is known for its healing properties.
  • Crystals are known for helping to grow relationships and help people who are having problems with their relationships.
  • This stone is well-known for removing negativity and frustration, and soothing the soul with love.
  • This crystal is considered an amulet for friendship over the centuries. You must include it in your daily life to attract friends.

* Citrine

macro photography of natural mineral from geological collection – raw crystal of Citrine (yellow quartz) on white background

Citrine, another popular crystal in Feng Shui, is a beautiful yellow stone that is well-known for welcoming prosperity.

Citrine can be used to increase positivity and for healing. Citrine can also be used to improve self-esteem and confidence. This helps you make new friends and meet strangers.

* Rhodonite


Rhodonite crystal is unique and beautiful. The balance between two elements of Fengshui, water, and fire, is evident in the colors pink and blue. Both are important for healing and bonding people.

Rhodonite can balance yang energy and strengthen empathy, compassion, as well as respect.

This crystal can be signed and kept around your home to help strengthen friendships and build strong bonds.

10. Get Rid Of Broken Things

Feng Shui considers it inauspicious to keep or use broken items in your home. Replace any broken cutlery, glass, frames or windows as soon as you can.

Broken things can lead to broken relationships. Keeping them in the home attracts negative energy, which can have a detrimental effect on your relationships.

11. Concentrate on You

Focus on you. It is important to put yourself under the microscope in order to attract new friends and maintain strong relationships.

You might be having trouble making friends or keeping old friends. Take a look at your behavior and attitude in the past.

Feng Shui says that good deeds are the key to attracting good vibes.

Best of luck with your new friendships

Feng Shui is great for helping you through difficult times in your life.

It’s time to learn feng shui friendship rules if you are having trouble with your relationships and friendships.

We are certain that you will soon have a network of friends who will be there for you in good times and bad.

FAQs: Feng Shui For Friendship Tips

Q: Which colors are best for feng shui friendship?

While a few colors can be helpful in building new friendships, red and yellow are particularly useful and should be included into the home.

Q: Which corner of the house should be dedicated to friendships?

The south segment is popular, so dedicating the south corner to your house can help you get new friends.

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