Do Crystals Actually Work?

Crystals are used by humankind for centuries as decorative objects and as objects of power.

And recently, they’ve been very commonplace in aesthetics of beauty, but do Crystals actually work?

Crystals and the alleged power of crystals are a part of pop culture for many years, especially during the 80s and 90s, when the goth, new-age, and grunge culture reached their peak.

A lot of people believe that crystals have energy sources that can work with human minds and bodies for positive effects.

Crystals: What do they mean?

“Crystals” is the term used to refer to a class of fossilized or mineralized resins that are believed to possess positive health benefits. The act of holding crystals or keeping them on your body is thought to aid in mental, spiritual, and physical health and energy. Crystals also are believed to connect with the energy field of your body and chakra.

Crystals have been used for centuries in various ways.

utilized in alternative medicine and in rituals aside, there’s not any scientific evidence that suggests the claims of these sources are accurate.

Modern science has proven the opposite, namely that crystals are not effective.

in 2001 Goldsmith’s College psychologist Dr. Chris French gave crystals to 80 participants and a book on their supposed spiritual properties.

Half of the participants received genuine crystals, while the other half received cheap plastic replicas, and both groups reported feeling the tingling, happy feelings described in the book.

Only six people who participated in this study said they didn’t feel anything.

Dr. Richard Wiseman, the psychologist at the University of Hertfordshire in Hatfield and a researcher of claims of paranormal activity, told Telegraph UK in an interview about the study that “It suggests that crystals’ power is within the mind, not being contained in the crystals.

There is clearly some effect, but people pay hundreds of pounds to buy crystals and they could pay a couple of pounds.”

The study, shown during the European Congress of Psychology in Rome seems to demonstrate that suggestion is a powerful tool more than the ability of crystals.

Although crystals don’t be scientifically proven to have healing properties In 1880 French scientist Pierre Curie along with his brother Jacques discovered that applying pressure on different crystals including quartz, tourmaline, and topaz created electricity.

This phenomenon, dubbed”the Piezoelectric phenomenon,

is the reason crystals are essential components in the manufacture of microphones, quartz watches computer monitors, inkjet printers, and other computers.

In addition, VitaJuwel, an assortment of crystal water bottles that encapsulate water with the strength of crystals was examined through the institute Hagalis an international research lab for water quality.

The institute analyzed the different characteristics of the tap water of Ueberlingen in Lake Constance, Germany, and an identical sample of water that was treated with the VitaJuwel bottle for drinking.

They observed improvements in the quality of water, as well as neutralization of harmful substances, an increase in pH as well as oxygen levels, a rise in the bioavailability of minerals, and an improvement in the energy balance.

So, Do Crystals Actually Work?

The evidence from science suggests that crystals don’t have any mystic power or characteristics that could help with physical, mental or spiritual wellbeing or healing.

The power or the vibrations that people claim to experience emanating from crystals are more likely to be vulnerable to the power of suggestion as well as that of the influence of the placebo.

The effect of positive thinking has been proven to lower the risk of contracting the disease.

For instance, Johns Hopkins expert Lisa R. Yanek, M.P.H., discovered that those with a background of heart disease that also maintained a positive outlook were a third less likely to suffer a heart attack or another cardiovascular event within 5 to 25 years,

compared with people who had a negative outlook.

Additional studies have found that a positive attitude improves outcomes and life satisfaction across a spectrum of conditions–including traumatic brain injury, stroke, and brain tumors.

Perhaps the crystals’ power could be connected with the strength of positive thinking and the notion the belief in something is able to be manifested.

However, other research suggests that crystals possess powers, though they are more common and practical like cleaning water or transferring energy when properly utilized.

According to the scientific community, the crystals do not possess any restorative or healing powers over the body, mind, or soul, however, belief is certainly an effective thing. What are your beliefs?

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