How to Cleanse Crystals: 10 Ways to Cleanse and Charge Crystals

How to Cleanse Crystals?

If you’re interested in the practice of using crystals to aid in healing, you might be thinking about ways to cleanse your crystals. Cleaning and recharging crystals is not difficult and there are several options to accomplish this using the glow that comes from the moon’s fullness, to saltwater, selenite, to incense or Sage incense or smudging.

Utilizing crystals for rituals of healing and spirituality is an ancient practice that uses the highly adaptable energy properties of crystals are utilized to heal manifest, bring users to higher vibrations and to open blockages in chakras.

Crystals are composed of intricate geometric matrices which provide the perfect energy conduits. For instance here are 5 crystals to help you deal with anxiety.

Cleaning crystals is an essential element of any crystal ritual or practice.

Making sure you work with a clear slate open to your intentions and energy is vital to healing and manifesting.

Clearing your crystals will unlock their maximum potential and potency, allowing you to experience the benefits of your work with crystals faster and more efficiently!

Why You Should Cleanse Crystals

Their chemical composition permits them to absorb, cleanse as well as release energy at a rapid rate, which is unlike any other substance on earth.

Because they are highly permeable and absorb energy, they stick to them like glue. If you are beginning activity using crystals, it’s essential to get rid of any residual energy.

If you think of working with crystals as cooking, it’s easy to see why it is necessary to wash them first. you wouldn’t cook in dirty pots!

The old grime that was stuck to the cooking vessel would be mixed with the fresh ingredients, resulting in a sour and unappetizing meal.

In this way, crystals operate in the same manner however rather than food items, we’re working with the energy! I

f you’re trying to include crystals in your self-care or spiritual routine There are ten effective methods to purify crystals.

How to Cleanse Crystals – 10 WAYS

1. Water that runs

Water is believed to neutralize negative energy in the stone, and then return it to the Earth.

While natural water running such as the stream ideal, you may also clean your stone with the faucet.

No matter what the source of your water be sure your stone is submerged completely. Dry it after the stone is completely dry.

Approximate duration: 1 minute per stone

Use this to describe: stone that is hard, like quartz

Use this only to describe stone that is hard or soft, like selenite, kyanite, and halite.

2. Saltwater

Salt has been utilized throughout time to absorb negative energy and dispel negative thoughts.

If you’re in the vicinity of the ocean, you could consider taking a bowl of fresh saltwater. Alternately, mix a teaspoon of rock, sea, or table salt in the dish of water.

Be sure your stone is fully submerged and then allow it to soak for several hours or even several days. Rinse and dry after the process is complete.

Duration approximate: up to 48 hours

Use this to describe: rocks that are hard to break, like amethyst and quartz

Use this only to describe stones which are soft, porous or contain trace metals, like malachite, seleniteand lepidolite, calcite, halite and the angelite

3. Brown rice

This technique can also be employed to remove negativity from an environment that is safe and secure. It is particularly beneficial for protecting stones like black tourmaline.

For this, you need to make a bowl of dry brown rice, then place your stone in the rice. Eliminate the rice as soon as you can following the cleansing process, since the rice is believed to absorb the energy that you’re trying to remove.

Approximate duration: 24 hours

This is to: any stone

4. Natural light


While ritual cleansing is usually focused around specific points of the lunar or solar cycle, you may put your stone anytime for cleansing and regeneration.

Place your stone in the sun before the night falls and make plans to get it back in by 11 a.m. This allows your stone to be bathed under the light of the sun and moon.

Exposure to sunlight for long periods can cause damage to the stone’s surface Therefore, make sure you return early in the morning.

If you’re able put your stone directly on earth. This will enable additional cleansing. No matter where they are, be sure they aren’t in any way disturbed by wildlife or by passers-by.

Then give your stone an easy wash to clean any dirt and debris. Pat dry.

Duration: 10 to 12 hours

Use this to describe: most tumbled stones

Use this only to describe: vibrant stones, like amethyst in sunlight; or soft stones, like celestite, halite and selenite which may be damaged by the weather.

5. Sage

Sage is considered to be a holy plant that has the potential to provide an array of beneficial properties. Smudging your stone can be said to cleanse the vibrations of inharmonious frequencies and help restore its energy.

You’ll need:

  • a fire-safe bowl
  • Matches or lighters
  • Sage that is loose or bundles

If you’re unable to get rid of it outside, ensure you’re near a windowsill. This allows negativity and smoke to be dispersed.

When you’re ready, you can ignite the sage’s tip by using the flame. Move the sage to your other hand, and then firmly hold your stone in your hand and then move it across the smoke.

Let the smoke engulf the stone for approximately 30 minutes. If it’s been a long time since you last cleansed -or you feel that your stone has been holding some of its weight, consider continuing to smudge for 30 minutes.

Time estimate: about 30 to 60 seconds for each stone

Use this to: any stone

6. Sound

The sound healing lets a single pitch or tone be sprayed over an area, bringing it to the same frequency as the tone.

This can be achieved by singing or singing bowls, the tuning fork, or even a lovely bell. It doesn’t matter where the key of the sound comes from, as the sound is loud enough to allow the vibration to completely surround the stone.

This method is great for collectors who own many crystals that are difficult to inventory or relocated.

Approximate duration: 5 to 10 minutes

Use this to: any stone

7. By using a bigger stone

Massive quartz crystals, geodes made of amethyst and selenite slabs are excellent tools to clear smaller stones.

Put your stone directly into the stone or over one or all of the stones. It is believed that the larger stone’s vibrations will eliminate the unharmonious energy that is in the stone that rests.

Approximate duration: 24 hours

This is to refer to: any stone

8. Making use of smaller stones

Carnelian and clear quartz and hematite are all believed to have an overall clear effect.

Since they are generally smaller, you might need to keep more than one available to remove other stones.

Put the stones that you have cleared into the bowl of a small size, then place the stone you wish to repair on the top.

Approximate duration: 24 hours

This is for: any stone

9. Breath

Breathwork is also an effective way to cleanse.

To begin, place the stone with your palm. Concentrate on your goal for a few seconds and then deeply breathe through your nose.

The stone should be closer towards your face. exhale short, powerful breaths from the nose, and over the stone in order to bring the stone to the highest frequency.

Approximate duration: about 30 seconds per stone

Use this to: small stones

10. Visualization

While this is considered to be the most secure method to remove stones, it could be a bit daunting for certain.

The more at ease you are with your perception of yourself, the easier it is to channel your attention to the stone that you would like to repair.

It is a good idea to take a few moments to be on the ground and refocus your energy and then grab the stone and envision your hands filled with light and white light.

Imagine this light shining around the stone, and feel it grow larger within your fingers.

Visualize the impurities getting flushed out of the stone which allows the stone to shine more brightly with renewed energy.

Continue to visualize until you notice a change in the energy of the stone.

Approximate duration: about 1 minute per stone

Use this to: any stone

How do you program your crystal

While stones are believed to have inherent healing powers but taking the time to create a plan for your crystal can aid in connecting to the energy of your stone and bring back your feeling of the purpose behind it.

You might feel comfortable holding the stone with your hands while you meditate or rest it on your third eye. You may also lie back and let the stone sit on your appropriate chakra or part of your body that you would like to work with.

Visualize the stone’s energy merging with yours. Contact the stone whether verbally or silently ask for help in completing your current task.

Thanks the stone for its presence, then take just a few minutes to contemplate.

How do you activate your crystal?

If your stone is heavier than anticipated — as if it’s lost its shine could require a bit of energy activation.

Consider lending to it some energy by talking to it and singing to it or giving it vital life force energy with your breath. A small amount of interaction can be a big help!

If you are planning to go outdoors, think about taking your stone with you. Many find that letting the stone absorb the natural energy of the beach or in the park can have an incredibly positive effect.

You could also design an activated grid encircling the stone with more powerful peers.

The most popular choices are ruby, crystallized quartz, apophyllite Selenite, kyanite, and carnelian.

You are able to use any stone you are drawn to.

Make sure that they completely cover the main crystal so that it is completely bathed in its vibrating energy.

Common questions

When do I have to clean my stones?

The more frequently you use a stone you’ll notice the greater amount of energy will accumulate. The best general rule is to clean all of the stones you have at least every month.

If a particular stone feels heavier than normal then you should clean it. There is no need to wait for a specific period of time between cleanings.

What is the most effective method to cleanse stones?

Discover a way that aligns with your own practices and beliefs. What works for you might not work for another person So be aware of the way you feel.

How can I tell if an item is cleaned?

The stone should be physically and energetically lighter the feel.

What do I be doing with the stone after they’ve been cleaned?

Find a safe place to store your stones. If you are able, place them near plants or windows to absorb this natural energy of healing. In other cases, place the stones on your desk, your home or any other area in a manner that is aligned with your intention.

The most important thing is the bottom line

When we look after our crystals, we’re taking care for ourselves. We’re allowing energy that’s not in harmony with our intentions and lives to be released in a calm and healing way.

These small steps allow for us to remain aware of our interactions with rocks, our own as well as with others.

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