What Is The Difference Between Spectrolite and Labradorite?

Are you a fan of rainbows following a storm? Imagine holding one in your hands. You can with labradorite or spectrolite.

Difference Between Spectrolite and Labradorite?

These semi-precious gemstones have a dark base and iridescent color play.

Although they may not display the same color range, technically they are the same stone.

Each stone has its own unique properties, which are used to protect and strengthen.

We will explain the differences between spectrolite & labradorite for you.

What is Labradorite?


Labradorite, a gem originally found in Labrador (Canada), is known as Labradorite. You’re right!

These stones, however, are not native to Canada. They come from all over the world, even in the U.S.

Many people search the Adirondack Mountains for labradorites. Madagascar is home to the finest quality gems.

This gemstone’s stunning colors are irresistible. Labradorites are grey or black bases with an iridescent array.

This phenomenon has been studied, and even named “labradorescence.”

They look this way because of their “twinning” surface.

The reason is that light reflects off the “twinning” surface within the stone when it enters.

Similar effects can be seen on moonstones as well as sunstones.

Many labradorites come in shades of blue and green with yellow or golden accents.

If you are lucky enough, you might find one with warm tones like orange or pink.

These tones can be found best by looking at spectrolite, the Finnish sister of labradorite.

What is Spectrolite?


Spectrolite, a type of labradorite that is only found in Finland, is called “spectrolite”.

The brand name “spectrolite”, or trade name for the labradorites that were mined in Finland, is actually the name of the product. Its name derives from its wide range of colors.

Places like Canada or Madagascar almost always turn out blue, gray, or green labradorites.

Finland’s spectrolites add an array of pinks, purples, and oranges to the blues and greens.

What is the difference between labradorite and spectrolite? It all comes down to the base.

Both spectrolites and labradorites have dark bases, although spectrolite has a more opaque base.

The primary difference between them is their origin.

Spectrolite, which is rare and high-quality makes it a valuable commodity.

The Yamaha deposit, where it was discovered for the first time, is now a gem center for training and tourism.

You might be curious about what these gems mean before you book your Finland tickets. Let’s discuss it!

Spectrolite & Labradorite Meaning

The iridescence of spectrolite or labradorite is what gives rise to their meanings, which is similar to their popularity.

The spectrolite and labradorite’s dark surfaces with shining rays of light below have been used primarily to symbolize protection and transformation.

Let’s explore these meanings.

  • Labradorite is a stone that brings wisdom and protection.
    Labradorite is often associated with the mind.
    Many use it to increase self-awareness and lower self-doubt.
    It is believed that the gem protects against external and internal negativity.
    The monotony of daily life, which drains our energy, is replaced by energy to find solutions.
  • Spectrolite has a more mystical meaning.
    The stone is believed to represent healing and transformation.
    However, these are not actually derived from the stone.
    Instead, spectrolite can be used to help you discover answers within yourself.
    This can be achieved by making you more confident in your intelligence and by inspiring new ideas or solutions.
    Another way is to bring out your psychic abilities, such as clairvoyance and visions.

Gemstones are often used by shamans for metaphysical purposes.

Labradorite and spectrolite have different meanings for shamans.

The unseen spiritual realm is represented by the dark surface that conceals glowing colors beneath.

We know that each gem has significant symbolism. What other powerful properties are there?

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Unique Properties of Every Stone

Labradorite is sometimes called the matriarch or subconscious.

The stone is able to help you find lost memories and understand their meaning.

Labradorite can also be used to bring out the best in people who wear it.

It reduces shame and encourages confidence in one’s abilities.
It would be nice to have a little more of this!

Spectrolite can also be used to boost self-confidence.
However, it helps you to find a deeper spiritual connection with the world.

It is believed to balance and protect the aura, which allows for travel between realms.

This property can be harnessed by placing the stone under the pillow and lucid dreaming.

You can also wear it throughout the day for a feeling of confidence and potential.

What Are Their Similarities?

Although we’ve seen the differences between labradorite and spectrolite, what do they have in common? They do.

Chemical Composition

Both labradorite and spectrolite belong to the feldspar mineral group.

The feldspar family of minerals is a group that forms rock from lava.

They are found as veins in various types of metamorphic and sedimentary rocks after crystallization.

Moonstone is another gemstone that can be obtained in this manner.

It looks very similar but shows only blue or white internal Iridescence (adularescence).


Both stones have Mohs hardnesses of 6 to 6.
This means that they are stronger than glass but less weak than quartz.

However, spectrolites and labradorites both have asymmetrical structures, just like glass.

This is a rare structure in gemstones.

Zodiac Signs

Both Labradorite, spectrolite, and Scorpio are associated with the Zodiac signs Leo and Scorpio.

They are also associated with Uranus, the planet that represents the ability to deal with life’s constant challenges.

A summary of the key differences between Spectrolite & Labradorite

Although spectrolite technically is a type of labradorite they have different origins, values, and appearances.

Let’s go into more detail.

  • Origin – Labradorite was discovered by Canadian scientists while spectrolite was discovered by Finnish scientists.
    Labradorite was also discovered in Canada 150 years ago, just before spectrolite. It was discovered in 1770.
  • Value Both labradorite (and spectrolite) are semi-precious gems. However, spectrolite tends to be rarer than labradorite. Because it’s a better quality gem, spectrolite is more valuable than labradorite.
  • Appearance Specrolite colors have higher labradorescence than other colors.
    The contrast is stronger on spectrolite, with distinct lines separating between colors.
    Labradorite colors blend more with each other because of the labradorite’s translucent, lighter base, compared to spectrolite, which has a darker, opaque one.

These gemstones are loved for their protective properties, but many people simply love the holographic beauty.

These gemstones are sure to be a hit with everyone.

Labradorite and spectrolite are great for your home, jewelry, or spiritual practice.

They remind you that beauty and strength can only be found within. All we need to do is look inward.

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