Crystals That Can Go In Salt: For Cleansing And Charging

We will be revealing a list of crystals that can go in salt (Himalayan). This is for cleansing.

Natural Crystals are beautiful gifts from Mother Nature. They come in many forms, shapes, and colors. Crystals are also known for their beauty and aesthetic value.

Crystals That Can Go In Salt:

Agate, Malachite, and Tigers Eye crystals, as well as Amethyst, are all known for their healing properties.

For centuries, crystals have been used to bring good fortune, energy, and healing properties.

Feng Shui, a Chinese philosophy that balances the environment to enhance life, has used crystals to symbolize good fortune and positive energy.

There are two types available on the market: synthetic and natural crystals.

Both are acceptable, but natural crystals are preferred for feng shui purposes.

Crystals have many healing properties and can be used for many purposes.

Some crystals can increase wealth while others are associated with the secret to a happy and healthy relationship.

Crystals can be distinguished not only by their benefits and colors but also because of their cleaning method.

Different techniques are used to clean crystals.

Some crystals are not washable, but others can be cleaned with salt or water.

Confused? Don’t worry. Let’s learn more about crystals used in Feng shui and crystals that can be added to salt for cleansing.

Feng Shui: The Role of Crystals

Crystals, as mentioned above, are well-known for their healing properties.

They are also important in Feng Shui because they can bring good luck and positive energy.

Feng Shui says that crystals can be broken down based on the colors they have.

These colors correspond to the 5 elements water, earth metal, fire, and wood.

Water Element

Crystals with blue and black colors such as black coal, basalt, and aquamarine are considered to resonate with the Water element.

Also see 11 Feng Shui Protection symbols, Cures, and How to Use Tips

They are believed to absorb negative energy and are the most powerful of all 4 types due to their dark color.

Fire Element

The fire element crystals contain red, orange, and dark purple crystals, such as rose quartz and red jasper.

They are known for their ability to improve your health and love life. They are great for budding relationships and new couples.

Metal Element

The crystals of the element are white, transparent, and clear crystals. Clear quartz, moonstone, and opal are all common crystals of metal elements.

These crystals represent wisdom and intelligence. They are also well-known for their ability to improve health.

Wood Element

Common crystals in the wood category include fuchsite and dunite as well as turquoise and talc. They have been known to bring luck for wealth as well as good fortune.

Earth Element

Crystals with yellow and brown colors in earthy tones are considered crystals for the elements.

This category includes yellow jasper, smokey quartz, and yellow citrine. They are most well-known for their ability to bring in wealth.

What is crystal cleansing and why should we do it?

You might like to clean crystals that you have or collect.

It’s not as simple as that.

Many people think that cleansing crystals mean just cleaning the outer surface of crystals to ensure they are clean on the inside.

But crystals mean much more.

Crystals can absorb energy from wherever they are and from anyone who touches them.

We are certain that you desire positive energy from your crystal when you buy it.

It is impossible to know exactly where the crystal has been or who it has touched so far.

Crystals must contain a lot of unwanted and harsh energy.

To optimize your crystal’s functions, it is best to clean it or recharge and revitalize crystals.

What time should I clean my crystals?

Crystals are different from ordinary objects.

They don’t get dirty as easily as other objects, so you may not feel the need for cleaning them.

Every crystal must be renewed and recharged, despite how they look. Experts recommend that you regularly clean your crystals.

The first is when you purchase the crystal and bring it home.

This is to remove any negative energy that it might have.

You don’t have to clean them every day, but it is a good idea to do so on a regular basis. It is recommended to clean your crystals at least once per month.

Cleaning Crystals

Different methods can be used to clean crystals. However, not all methods will work for all crystal types.

Some crystals can be cleaned in water, while others are recharged with moon water or under the moonlight.

They can be stacked with stones to boost their energy and others are cleaned using salt.

Plain Water

Water is the purest mineral form. To activate dead crystals, it is a good idea to use plain water.

You can activate the crystal by simply putting it in flowing water.


Smudging has been a tradition for thousands of years. All negativity can be removed by simply smoking a few herbs, such as dried cedar, frankincense and lavender, to cleanse your crystals.

The art of burning sage

Sage can be used alone to absorb negative vibes from crystals, just as smudging.

Sun and moonlight

Your healing crystal can be placed in full sunlight and moonlight to absorb negative vibes. Once you have done this, your gemstone can be used.

Salt is a great way to clean crystals

Salt is an effective material that removes contaminants and impurities from crystals. It also helps to draw out negative energy.

Salt is not always able to clean all crystals. Here are some crystals that you can use salt for cleaning.

You Can Cleanse Crystals in Salt

1. Amber

  • Amber is the fossilized resin from ancient coniferous forests.
    This crystal can help you manage your emotions and is well-known in Feng Shui for helping you keep your life balanced.
  • Amber is a good choice to keep because it promotes relaxation and positive thoughts.
  • Feng Shui says it helps with dreams and encourages self-expression.
  • Amber can be cleansed in salt because it emits vibrations that contribute to one’s overall well-being and is easily recharged under salt.

2. Tahitian Black Pearls

Black pearls represent love, peace, harmony, and harmony. It is a good idea to keep them inside your home.

It can help with anxiety, depression, and everyday stress.

Feng Shui says it is safe to clean the black pearls with salt, as it absorbs and eliminates negative energy.

3. Pink Chalcedony

  • This crystal is also known as Cactus Agate and is well-known for its healing properties.
  • Salt can be used to relieve pain and promote good health.
  • The crystal also helps to establish a strong connection between the spiritual and physical worlds.

4. Citrine

  • Citrine, a crystal that helps focus and bring out energy, is known as the success stone.
  • Feng Shui says it is a crystal that helps people achieve their goals and allows them to participate in different activities.
  • Salt can be used to cleanse citrine as it replenishes its energy and revitalizes it.

5. Amethyst

  • It improves the internal systems.
  • Brighten your skin.
  • Treat stomach problems.
  • Reduce joint pains

What is the point of cleaning all crystals with salt/salt water?

Saltwater or saltwater are common ways to clean crystals.

However, not all crystals can be used for this purpose.

Some crystals are unsafe to clean with salt because of the possibility that raw or untreated stones could react with saltwater and cause it to dissolve.

Other times, storing porous crystals with dry salt can be dangerous as the salt can penetrate them, and sometimes the crystals may lose their polished appearance.

Additionally, crystals that come into contact with salt release sodium silicates which can clump together.

It is better to use another method of cleaning such crystals.

Let’s now look at the list of crystals that won’t be in salt.

  1. Amber,
  2. Turquoise,
  3. Red coral
  4. Fire opal,
  5. Moonstone,
  6. Calcite,
  7. Kyanite,
  8. Kunzite,
  9. Angelite,
  10. Azurite,
  11. Selenium

How to clean salt crystals?

Crystals That Can Go In Salt For Cleansing And Charging: You can clean your crystals with salt in two ways.

Dip in dry salt:

Crystals that require cleaning can be dipped into dry salt.

To clean crystals, you can use a bowl or glass to place them under salty salt.

It can be left for up to a couple of hours, or overnight. Then rinse it off with cool water after you take it out.

Saltwater Dip:

Saltwater is another option. You can use sea salt or normal water to dissolve the salt.

Allow the crystal to soak in the solution for a few hours or overnight until it recharges.

The crystal should be rinsed and dried with a towel before being used.


Crystals are an important part of Feng Shui. They are well-known for their healing properties, and they can be used to benefit those who keep them at home.

It is essential to clean crystals in order to ensure that they are free of any negative energy and are revitalized.

It is important to choose the right method to clean your crystals. Salt cleansing is a popular technique. However, there are specific crystals that can be used in salt to clean.

Salt Safe Crystals FAQs

Q: What should we do to cleanse our crystals?

Crystals contain energy, so cleansing them can help to revive them and remove any negative energy.

Q: Which are the different methods for cleaning crystals?

There are many ways to cleanse crystals. Crystals can be washed with water, kept in sunlight or under the moonlight, or soaked in salt water and dried.

Q: Can all crystals be cleaned in salt?

Salt can damage porous crystals and cause them to break. Some crystals may dissolve in saltwater.

Q: Is green aventurine safe to be used in salt?

Yes, like other stones, Amber, Citrine and Aventurine can be used to cleanse. Because it can handle harsh chemicals.

Q: Can carnelian go in salt?

Salt is not recommended for cleaning carnelian stones. Salt can cause damage to your stone because of its rough particles. To activate the carnelian stone, you should only use plain water in a bowl.

Q: Can red jasper go in salt?

Red jasper stone is fragile and cannot withstand salt. Salt can cause crystal damage. You can also try water, full moon and full sun cleansing.

Q: Can aquamarine go in salt?

Salt is not recommended for stones like aquamarine because it can cause damage to fragile stones and is highly corrosive. You can however use water to clean aquamarine.

Q: Can citrine go in salt?

Yes, citrine can be used to make salt for cleaning and charging. It is well-known for its successstone and helps to increase focus and knowledge.

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